Faye Wade (University of Edinburgh) highlights the importance of building retrofit for a
sustainable economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only does retrofitting
promise a major step toward a low carbon society, it also contributes to
increased GDP and jobs in the construction sector.
Action to manage the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic has resulted in loss of jobs and slowing of economic growth worldwide. A number of high profile organizations have now identified low carbon building retrofitting as a fundamental pillar for a green economic recovery (LGA, 2020; RICS, 2020; EC, 2020b; CCC, 2020; WWF, 2020). This article explains why buildings need to be retrofitted and the economic and employment potential of doing so, before exploring skills gaps and training prioritization.
The European Union’s (EU) building stock is the largest single energy
consumer in Europe, contributing to 40% of energy consumption and 30% of greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions (EC, 2020a). Reducing this is essential for meeting the
aims of the Paris Agreement and international climate targets. However, 80% of
today’s buildings will still be in use in 2050 and 75% of this stock is energy
inefficient (EC, 2020a). Energy retrofitting, or the improvement of fabric,
controls, service and lighting as well as the provision of low carbon heat and
hot water, is essential for reducing energy demand and associated GHG
emissions. Rates of retrofitting are currently low, with the EU’s 1% annual
rate of reduction of the (domestic and non-domestic) building stock’s primary
energy consumption sitting way below what is needed (EC, 2019). In
the UK, the Government’s Clean Growth
Strategy has set targets for as
many homes as possible to have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) C rating
by 2035 (UK Government, 2017a). With 70% of the UK housing stock currently
falling below EPC C, this leaves 19 million homes to retrofit within 15 years
(Rosenow et al., 2018). Reducing energy demand and achieving targets will thus
require unprecedented speed and scale of efforts to retrofit the entire building
There are promising activities in some places. For example, the European Green Deal will support a ‘Renovation Wave’ of buildings, which aims to at least double the annual renovation rate of existing building stock (EC, 2020b). This initiative will seek to establish a Communication and Action Plan (EC, 2020a) that includes:
The Scottish Government’s Energy Efficient Scotland programme takes a
similarly broad approach, incorporating a clear legislative framework alongside
the development of supply chains, consumer awareness and financing. The
programme, which aims for all homes to be at least EPC C by 2040 where
technically feasible and cost effective, has been piloted for the past 3 years
and is set to roll out across Scotland over the next 20 (Scottish Government,
The built environment and
residential properties in particular are the largest value infrastructure in
most countries; these buildings also usually have very high longevity. Economic
benefits of retrofitting could include the potential to extend the service life
of a building, and increase the real estate value. For example, retrofitting
Canadian office buildings can result in a decrease in operating costs, increase
in occupancy rates and an increase in rental revenue (Carlson & Pressnail,
2018). In addition, buildings that consume less energy could contribute to a
shifting and reduction of peak demand, alleviating pressures on the grid and
facilitating the use of renewable energy supply technologies.
Poor quality domestic buildings contribute to
higher-than-necessary energy demand and high levels of GHG emissions. In the
UK, there is a disproportionately large number of energy poor households in low
quality properties in EPC bands E, F and G (BEIS, 2018: 35), and those who are energy poor are
statistically more likely to report poor health and emotional well-being
(Thomson, Snell & Bouzarovski, 2017). If considering the indirect impacts
of ill-health – for example, absenteeism and reduced productivity – the
economic impacts of poor quality buildings are even higher. Indeed, energy efficient
office buildings have the potential to increase worker productivity by
approximately 12% (BPIE, 2020).
the building stock can reduce pressures on health services, increase well-being
and economic output, and lead to higher levels of disposable income and
associated spending. Thus, retrofitting programmes have the ability to boost
Gross Domestic Product (GDP). For example, modelling estimates suggest a
boost of £7.8 billion to the Scottish economy alone through the Energy
Efficient Scotland programme (Turner et al., 2018).
Further, construction and building retrofit is a labour-intensive activity. It has been estimated that for every €1 million invested in energy renovation of buildings, an average of 18 jobs are created in the EU (BPIE, 2020). This is roughly equivalent to the number of new jobs created per £1 million of UK Government grant funding invested in new innovation sectors such as biotechnology, medical equipment engineering, high-tech manufacturing. For example, £8 billion of UK Government investment in innovation research & development generated approximately 150,000 new jobs over 13 years (UK Government, 2017b).
Meeting the EU’s existing 2030 climate and energy targets can add 1% of GDP and create almost 1 million new green jobs (EC, 2020b). The significance of retrofitting is indicated by future low carbon jobs projections for England. Here, it is estimated that roughly 160,000 jobs will be in low carbon heat, whilst another 145,000 will be in energy efficiency products, including insulation, lighting and control systems (LGA, 2020).
Figure 1. Split of low carbon and renewable energy economy jobs in England by 2030 (Source: LGA, 2020: 7)
With these multiple benefits, scaling up rates of retrofitting will be crucial for achieving climate goals, and supporting the COVID-19 recovery effort.
The workforce needed for successful, wide-scale energy retrofitting is diverse. Work towards developing retrofitting standards across the UK includes Each Home Counts (Bonfield, 2016) and the associated PAS 2035 qualification, and the development of a Scottish Quality Mark (Cuthbert, 2019). The retrofitting process outlined in both cases includes assessment, installation, inspection and consumer protection. The variety of roles to be filled thus includes:
New roles are emerging to deliver retrofit, and there is an additional
need to plug growing skills gaps in construction. In the UK, the number of
first year Further Education trainees fell from roughly 13,750 to 4,500 in the
wood trades, and 9,000 to 2,350 in bricklaying between 2007 and 2015
(ConstructionSkills, 2015). Additional regional skills gaps have been
identified. For example, shortages of bricklayers, joiners and painter &
decorators have been identified in Scotland (Scottish Government, 2019). A key
near-term (2020-2025) skills gap is in the design, specification and
installation of heat pumps (LGA, 2019). In addition, there are likely to be
local differences in need for and distribution of jobs. For example, regions
off the gas grid will need a workforce in the near-term qualified to fit
individual low carbon technologies such as heat pumps.
Filling these gaps, and delivering new skills for retrofitting will require a rapid shift in the UK’s provision of existing vocational qualifications. The complex processes involved in energy retrofitting require ‘energy literacy’ across all construction roles (Clarke, Gleeson & Winch, 2017), and the related occupations listed above. In particular, design and construction teams need to be aware of the implications of their decisions on others’ work (Owen, Janda & Simpson, 2019). Now is the time to develop new structures for the provision of training. This must include general knowledge of low energy construction and skills in understanding the ‘whole house’ needs, alongside tailoring to specific skills for the trade or role. In addition, COVID-19 has left many sectors (e.g. travel and hospitality) with increased levels of unemployment. It would be fruitful to explore how the transferable skills of these workers can be utilized in retrofitting. For example, experts in consumer protection from these sectors could potentially combine their existing knowledge with new training on buildings and energy to work within retrofitting.
With their benefits for the environment, economy, and employment, large
scale building retrofit programmes are exactly what is needed to recover from
the impacts of COVID-19 as well as transition the economy over the longer term.
A strategic approach to creating a qualified workforce for high quality
building retrofit would offer clear economic and environmental benefits in the
longer term. Such an approach is being pursued by the European Commission
through their Renovation Wave, and Scottish Government who are continuing
development of the Energy Efficient Scotland programme.
The benefits outlined here, coupled with vociferous campaigning for retrofit from numerous organisations, emphasize the need for multifaceted support for such schemes. Government roles include:
The importance and delivery of such wide-scale energy retrofitting will be explored in a forthcoming special issue of Buildings & Cities: Retrofitting at Scale: Accelerating Capabilities for Domestic Building Stocks. The special issue will focus on the accelerated delivery of domestic energy retrofitting at different scales: national, municipal, neighbourhood and individual sites. It will draw out distinctions and complementarities for policies and delivery strategies for different scales, stakeholders, inhabitants and disciplines
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