
2021 Reviewers

2021 Reviewers

Buildings & Cities gratefully acknowledges and thanks our reviewers.

Buildings & Cities is most grateful to the many people in 2021 listed below who provided detailed, rigorous reviews of submitted manuscripts in 2021.

An enormous thank you to this diverse community of scholars who help to maintain the highest standards for both the journal and the wider community.


Dominic Aitken

Newcastle University

James Allan


David Allinson

Loughborough University

Rafael Alonso Candau

Atmos Lab

Ben Amor

Université de Sherbrooke

Morgan Andersson

Chalmers University

Jay Arehart

University of Colorado Boulder

Monika Åšcibor

University of Jamestown

Dicle Aydin

Necmettin Erbakan University

Magdalena Baborska-Narożny    

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

George Baird

Victoria University of Wellington

Rajasekhar Balasubramanian 

National University of Singapore

José Baldasano

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Ronita Bardhan

University of Cambridge

Jo Barnes

University of the West of England

Francoise Bartiaux

Université Catholique de Louvain

Lisa Bates

Portland State University

Martin Behnisch

Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban & Regional Development

Hui Ben

University of Cambridge

Thomas Berker

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Spyros Bofylatos

University of the Aegean

Rolf Bohne

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Christina Bollo

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Tamara Bozovic

Auckland University of Technology

Andrea Brambilla

Politecnico di Milano

Arianna Brambilla

The University of Sydney 

Alex Bremner

University of Edinburgh

Jess Britton

University of Exeter

Tor Broström

Uppsala University

Todd Brown

The University of Texas at Austin

Richard Bull

Nottingham Trent University

Jonathan Busch

University of Leeds

Jason Byrne

University of Tasmania

Marta Calzolari

University of Parma

Christhina Candido

University of Sydney

Jenni Cauvain

University of Nottingham

Jose Cedeno Laurent

Harvard University

Heather Chappells

University of British Columbia

Emma Cheatle

University of Sheffield

Jianli Chen

University of Utah

Robert Cohen


Beck Collins

Birmingham City University

Paddy Conaghan

Hoare Lea

Ian Cooper

Eclipse Research

Manuel Correia Guedes

University of Lisbon

Robert Cowley

Kings College London

Sarah Darby

University of Oxford

Ernst de Place Hansen

Aalborg University

Mandy de Wilde

University of Amsterdam

Manik Deepak-Gopinath

Open University

Sebastian Dembski

University of Liverpool

Tim Dixon

University of Reading

Timur Dogan

Cornell University

Silvia Domingo-Irigoyen

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Michael Donn

Victoria University of Wellington

John Duncan

formerly at BRANZ

Scott Duncan

Auckland University of Technology

Richard Dunning

University of Liverpool

Spencer Dutton

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Tina Fawcett

University of Oxford

Pamela Fennell

University College London

Paul Frijters

London School of Economics and Political Science

Julie Futcher

Anglia Ruskin University

Stephen Gage

University of Reading

Fernando Garrefa

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Stephanie Gauthier

University of Southampton

Aaron Gillich

London South Bank University

Julie Godefroy


Vanessa Gomes Silva

University of Campinas

Chris Gorse

Leeds Beckett University

Jack Goulding

University of Wolverhampton

Kirsten Gram-Hanssen

Aalborg University

Walter Grondzik

Ball State University

Karin Gruhler

Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban & Regional Development

Rajat Gupta

Oxford Brookes University

Tom Hargreaves

University of East Anglia

Runa T. Hellwig

Aalborg University

Stephen Hill

CO2 Futureplanners

Alexander Hollberg

Chalmers University of Technology

Philippa Howden-Chapman

University of Otago

Endrit Hoxha

Aalborg University

Daniele Ietri

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Madhavi Indraganti

Qatar University

Nigel Isaacs

Victoria University of Wellington

Laure Itard

Delft University of Technology

Usha Iyer-Raniga

RMIT University

David Jacobs

National Centre for Healthy Housing

Patrick James

University of Southampton 

Sue James

Independent scholar

Lubo Jankovic

University of Hertfordshire

David Jenkins

Heriot-Watt University

Salla Jokela

Tampere University

Janina Käyhkö

University of Helsinki

Tapio Kaasalainen

Tampere University

Michael Keall

University of Otago

Rosemary Kennedy

Queensland University of Technology

Niall Kerr

University of Edinburgh

Sophie-May Kerr

University of New South Wales

Rihab Khalid

University of Cambridge

Amir Reza Khavarian-Garmsir

University of Isfahan

Gavin Killip

University of Oxford

Jungsoo Kim

University of Sydney

Niklaus Kohler

Karlsruhe Insititute of Technology

Doris Kowaltowski

University of Campinas

Markus Laine

Tampere University

Patrick Lamson-Hall

New York University 

Adrian Leaman

Building Use Studies

Brennan Less

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Mark Levine

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Jiayu Li

Berkeley Education Alliance for Research in Singapore

Dusan Licina

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

David Lorenz

Lorenz Immobilien OHG

Zhiwen Vincent Luo

University of Reading

Thomas Lützkendorf

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Cecil Madell

University of Cape Town

Monika Magdziak

Bialystok University of Technology

Jeetika Malik

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Peter Mallaburn

University College London

Tove Malmqvist

School of Architecture and the Built Environment

Anna Mavrogianni

The Bartlett, University College London

Jenn McArthur

Ryerson University

Alison Meadow

University of Arizona

Frits Meijer

TU Delft

Sakis Meir

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Rich Mitchell

University of Glasgow

Kristina Mjörnell

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Harvey Molotch

New York University

Trivess Moore

RMIT University

Anastasia Mylona

CIBSE Head of Research

Robin Nicholson

Cullinan Studio

Fergus Nicol

London Met University

Marialena Nikolopoulou

Kent University

Prince Njoku

University of Venda

George Ofori

London South Bank University

Kathryn Oliver

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 

Yael Parag

Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya

Tom Parkinson

University of California Berkeley

Robyn Pender

Historic England

Peter Phibbs

University of Sydney

Francesca Pilò

Utrecht University

Silvia Pina

University of Campinas

Gary Pivo

University of Arizona

Francesco Pomponi

Edinburgh Napier University

Sarah Price


Fabienne Reisen


Hom Rijal

Tokyo City University

Donghyun Rim

Penn State University

Carla Rodrigues

University of Coimbra

Ronald Rovers

Independent scholar

Ricardo Rupp

Technical University of Denmark

Ruth Saint

Napier University

Mikael Salonvaara

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Agnese Salvati

Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Isabel Santiago

University of Cordoba

Rosa Schiano-Phan

Westminster University

Stephan Schmidt

Cornell University

Robert Schmidt III

Loughborough University

Marcel Schweiker

RWTH Aachen University

Clive Shrubsole

Public Health England

Stefan Siedentop

Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development

Kate Simpson

Carbon Leadership Forum

José Siri

Wellcome Trust

Philip Steadman

University College London

Koen Steemers

University of Cambridge

Marie Stender

Aalborg University

Marc Stettler

Imperial College London

Fionn Stevenson

University of Sheffield

Aimee Stimpson

Public Health England

Yolande Strengers

Monash University

Lynne Sullivan

LSA Studio

Minna Sunikka-Blank

University of Cambridge

Will Swan

University of Salford

Phil Symonds

University College London

Despoina Teli

Chalmers University of Technology

Jacques Teller

University of Liège

Rachel Toms


Maria Triana

Federal University of Santa Catarina

Lucy Tusting

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 

Chris Tweed

Cardiff University

Chris Twinn

Twinn Sustainability Innovation

Marcella Ucci

University College London

Erwin van der Krabben

Radboud University

Ira Verma

Aalto University

Vincent Viguié

Ecole des Ponts ParisTech

Rebekka Volk

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Faye Wade

University of Edinburgh

Andreas Wagner

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Michelle Wang

Hoare Lea

Peter Ward

The University of Texas at Austin

Pawel Wargocki

Technical University Denmark

Michael Waring

Drexel University

Georgia Warren-Myers

The University of Melbourne

Nicola Willand

RMIT University

Xiaoping XIE

TU Dresden

Wei Yang

Tianjin University

Rebekah Yore

University College London

Latest Peer-Reviewed Journal Content

Journal Content

Acceptability of sufficiency consumption policies by Finnish households
E Nuorivaara & S Ahvenharju

Key factors for revitalising heritage buildings through adaptive reuse
É Savoie, J P Sapinski & A-M Laroche

Cooler streets for a cycleable city: assessing policy alignment
C Tang & J Bush

Understanding the embodied carbon credentials of modern methods of construction
R O’Hegarty, A McCarthy, J O’Hagan, T Thanapornpakornsin, S Raffoul & O Kinnane

The changing typology of urban apartment buildings in Aurinkolahti
S Meriläinen & A Tervo

Embodied climate impacts in urban development: a neighbourhood case study
S Sjökvist, N Francart, M Balouktsi & H Birgisdottir

Environmental effects of urban wind energy harvesting: a review
I Tsionas, M laguno-Munitxa & A Stephan

Office environment and employee differences by company health management certification
S Arata, M Sugiuchi, T Ikaga, Y Shiraishi, T Hayashi, S Ando & S Kawakubo

Spatiotemporal evaluation of embodied carbon in urban residential development
I Talvitie, A Amiri & S Junnila

Energy sufficiency in buildings and cities: current research, future directions [editorial]
M Sahakian, T Fawcett & S Darby

Sufficiency, consumption patterns and limits: a survey of French households
J Bouillet & C Grandclément

Health inequalities and indoor environments: research challenges and priorities [editorial]
M Ucci & A Mavrogianni

Operationalising energy sufficiency for low-carbon built environments in urbanising India
A B Lall & G Sethi

Promoting practices of sufficiency: reprogramming resource-intensive material arrangements
T H Christensen, L K Aagaard, A K Juvik, C Samson & K Gram-Hanssen

Culture change in the UK construction industry: an anthropological perspective
I Tellam

Are people willing to share living space? Household preferences in Finland
E Ruokamo, E Kylkilahti, M Lettenmeier & A Toppinen

Towards urban LCA: examining densification alternatives for a residential neighbourhood
M Moisio, E Salmio, T Kaasalainen, S Huuhka, A Räsänen, J Lahdensivu, M Leppänen & P Kuula

A population-level framework to estimate unequal exposure to indoor heat and air pollution
R Cole, C H Simpson, L Ferguson, P Symonds, J Taylor, C Heaviside, P Murage, H L Macintyre, S Hajat, A Mavrogianni & M Davies

Finnish glazed balconies: residents’ experience, wellbeing and use
L Jegard, R Castaño-Rosa, S Kilpeläinen & S Pelsmakers

Modelling Nigerian residential dwellings: bottom-up approach and scenario analysis
C C Nwagwu, S Akin & E G Hertwich

Mapping municipal land policies: applications of flexible zoning for densification
V Götze, J-D Gerber & M Jehling

Energy sufficiency and recognition justice: a study of household consumption
A Guilbert

Linking housing, socio-demographic, environmental and mental health data at scale
P Symonds, C H Simpson, G Petrou, L Ferguson, A Mavrogianni & M Davies

Measuring health inequities due to housing characteristics
K Govertsen & M Kane

Provide or prevent? Exploring sufficiency imaginaries within Danish systems of provision
L K Aagaard & T H Christensen

Imagining sufficiency through collective changes as satisfiers
O Moynat & M Sahakian

US urban land-use reform: a strategy for energy sufficiency
Z M Subin, J Lombardi, R Muralidharan, J Korn, J Malik, T Pullen, M Wei & T Hong

Mapping supply chains for energy retrofit
F Wade & Y Han

Operationalising building-related energy sufficiency measures in SMEs
I Fouiteh, J D Cabrera Santelices, A Susini & M K Patel

Promoting neighbourhood sharing: infrastructures of convenience and community
A Huber, H Heinrichs & M Jaeger-Erben

New insights into thermal comfort sufficiency in dwellings
G van Moeseke, D de Grave, A Anciaux, J Sobczak & G Wallenborn

‘Rightsize’: a housing design game for spatial and energy sufficiency
P Graham, P Nourian, E Warwick & M Gath-Morad

Implementing housing policies for a sufficient lifestyle
M Bagheri, L Roth, L Siebke, C Rohde & H-J Linke

The jobs of climate adaptation
T Denham, L Rickards & O Ajulo

Structural barriers to sufficiency: the contribution of research on elites
M Koch, K Emilsson, J Lee & H Johansson

Disrupting the imaginaries of urban action to deliver just adaptation [editorial]
V Castán-Broto, M Olazabal & G Ziervogel

Nature for resilience reconfigured: global- to-local translation of frames in Africa
K Rochell, H Bulkeley & H Runhaar

How hegemonic discourses of sustainability influence urban climate action
V Castán Broto, L Westman & P Huang

Fabric first: is it still the right approach?
N Eyre, T Fawcett, M Topouzi, G Killip, T Oreszczyn, K Jenkinson & J Rosenow

Social value of the built environment [editorial]
F Samuel & K Watson

Understanding demolition [editorial]
S Huuhka

Data politics in the built environment [editorial]
A Karvonen & T Hargreaves

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Latest Commentaries

Integrating Nature into Cities

Increasing vegetation and green and blue spaces in cities can support both climate change mitigation and adaptation goals, while also enhancing biodiversity and ecological health. Maibritt Pedersen Zari (Auckland University of Technology) explains why nature-based solutions (NbS) must be a vital part of urban planning and design.

Co-ordinate Built Environment Research for the Public Good

Gavin Killip and Kate Simpson (Nottingham Trent University) propose a coordinated research programme of field trials to create a focus for iterative learning about outcomes in the built environment, for the public good. They explain why a transdisciplinary programme is needed and seven key characteristics of the programme are proposed.

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