
2023 Reviewers

2023 Reviewers

Buildings & Cities gratefully acknowledges and thanks our reviewers.

The Editors of Buildings & Cities would like to thank all our reviewers for their contribution and support during 2023. High-quality peer review is essential to the success of the journal and we greatly appreciate the dedication of all those who have contributed to this. An enormous THANK YOU to this diverse community of scholars who help to maintain the highest standards for both the journal and the wider community.

Hamed S Alavi

University of Amsterdam

Deepak Amaripadath

Arizona State University

Or Aleksandrowicz

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Jane Anderson


Maria Beatrice Andreucci

Sapienza University of Rome

Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek

Technical University of Eindhoven

Ed Arens

University of California, Berkeley

Hannah Baker

University of Cambridge

Maria Balouktsi

Aalborg University, Copenhagen

Helen Barrie

University of South Australia

Arash Beizaee

Loughborough University

Lisanne Bergefurt

Technical University of Eindhoven

Meta Berghauser Pont

Chalmers University of Technology

Thomas Berker

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Taler Bixler

Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL)

Anne Sofie Bjelland

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences 

Evgeniya Bobkova

Chalmers University

Rolf Bohne

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Bill Bordass

Usable Buildings

Ruben Paul Borg

University of Malta

Frédéric Bougrain

Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB)

Carolyn Bowman

Useful Projects

Patrick Bradley

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Gail Brager

University of California, Berkeley

Jessica Breen

American University

Harriet Bulkeley

Durham University

Sarah Burch

University of Waterloo

Steve Burroughs

Dr Steve Burroughs Foundation

Kareem Buyana

Makerere University

Christhina Candido

University of Sydney

Heather Chappells

University of British Columbia

Vivien Chow

Loughborough University

Andrea Ciaramella

Politecnico Milano

Jua Cilliers

University of Technology Sydney

Jonathan Cinnamon

University of British Columbia

Gary Clark


Ray Cole

University of British Columbia

Ian Cooper

Eclipse Research

Robert Crawford

University of Melbourne

Sarah Darby

University of Oxford

Rosie Day

University of Birmingham

Jorge De Brito

University of Lisbon

Beatrice De Carli

London Metropolitan University

Michiel de Lange

University of Utrecht

Ramit Debnath

University of Cambridge 

Sebastian Dembski

University of Liverpool

Mina di Marino

Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

Manish Dixit

Texas A&M University

Tim Dixon

University of Reading

Tess Doeffinger

University of Alabama 

Richard Dunning

University of Liverpool

Chrisna du Plessis

University of Pretoria

Isaiah O. Durosaiye

University of Sheffield

Simon Elam

University College London

Rohinton Emmanuel

Glasgow Caledonian University

Desirée Enlund

Linköping University

Tina Fawcett

University of Oxford

Terence Fell

Mälardalen University

Kalliopi Fouseki

University College London

Chris Foye

University of Reading

Nicolas Francart

Aalborg University, Copenhagen

Kayla Friedman

University of Cambridge

Rolf Frischknecht

Treeze Ltd.

Philip M.E. Garboden

University of Hawaii at Mānoa

Bill Gething

University of the West of England

Sumita Ghosh

University of Technology Sydney

Jeremy Gibberd


Georg Glasze


David Glew

Leeds Beckett University

Daniel Godoy-Shimizu

University College London

Ashish Goel

Indian Institute of Management

Vera Götze

University of Bern

Zbigniew Grabowski

University of Connecticut & New School

Peter Graham

Global Buildings Performance Network

Kirsten Gram-Hanssen

Aalborg University, Copenhagen

Wes Grooms

University of Buffalo

Karin Gruhler

Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER)

Prince K Guma

University of Sheffield

Jim Hart

JH Sustainability Ltd

Uta Hassler

ETH Zürich

Christopher Henke

Colgate College 

Runa T. Hellwig

Aalborg University, Copenhagen

Dominique Hes

Beyond Zero Emissions

Alexander Hollberg

Chalmers University of Technology

Tianzhen Hong

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Andrew Hoolachan

University of Glasgow

Aoife Anne-Marie Houlihan Wiberg

University of Bath

Endrit Hoxha

Aalborg University, Copenhagen

Ying Hua

Cornell University

Chethana Illankoon

University of New South Wales

Usha Iyer-Raniga

RMIT University

Patrick James

University of Southampton

Suha Jaradat

Edinburgh Napier University

Nino Jordan

University College London

Simon Joss

University of Glasgow

Shun Kawakubo

Keio University

Joshua Kirshner

University of York

Rob Kitchin

Maynooth University

Niklaus Kohler

Karlsruhe Insititute of Technology

Willem Korthals Altes

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

Célia Küpfer

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Markus Laine

Tampere University

Zachary Lamb

University of California, Berkeley

Jessica LaVoice

Bowdoin College

Ashlin Lee

CSIRO & Australian National University

Loretta Lees

Boston University

Kelsey Leonard

University of Waterloo

Brennan Less

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Nicola Livingstone

University College London

Kevin Lomas

Loughborough University

Sandra Loschke

University of Sydney

Thomas Lützkendorf

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Loren Lutzenhiser

Portland State University

Casey Lynch

University of Twente

Nicholas Lynch

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Sebastian Macmillan

University of Cambridge

Rachel Macrorie

University of Utrecht

Line Madsen

Aalborg University, Copenhagen

Ciaran Malik

Architectural Association & Kingston School of Art

Tove Malmqvist

KTH Stockholm

Pamela Mang

REGENESIS INSTITUTE for Regenerative Practice     

Ruichang Mao

Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Marianna Marchesi

Cardiff University

Alexi Marmot

University College London

Gerald Mills

University College Dublin  

Alice Moncaster

University of the West of England

Trivess Moore

RMIT University

Garrett T Morgan

University of Toronto 

John Morrissey

University of Limerick

Daanish Mustafa

Kings College London

David Angus Ness

University of South Australia

Edward Ng

Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

Francesco Nicese

Università degli Studi di Firenze - UniFI

Masoud Norouzi

Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Miles Oglethorpe

Historic Environment Scotland

Philip Oldfield

University of New South Wales

Tadj Oreszczyn

University College London

Samantha Organ

University of the West of England

Olufolahan Osunmuyiwa

Chalmers University

Yael Parag

Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya

Thomas Parkinson

University of California, Berkeley

David Pearlmutter

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Robyn Pender

Historic England

Bruno Peuportier

Ecole des Mines de Paris

Gilles Pinson

Science Po, Lyon

Gary Pivo

University of Arizona

Andrea Pollio

Politecnico di Torino

Ulrich Pont

TU Wien

Jenni Poutanen

Tampere University

Ruchit Purohit

University of Reading

Chris Pyke

US Green Building Council (USGBC) and Arc Skoru

Jaco Quist

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

Rokia Raslan

University College London

Freya Nygaard Rasmussen

Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU)

Rajan Rawal

CEPT University

Helmut Rechberger

TU Wien 

Hilde Remøy

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

Andrea Rigon

University College London

Caitlin Robinson

University of Bristol

John B. Robinson

University of Toronto

Lasse Rohde

Aalborg University, Copenhagen

Jonathan Rose

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Paul Ruyssevelt

University College London

Myriam Saadé

École des Ponts ParisTech

Kerstin Sailer

University College London

Ashraf Salama

Northumbria University

Mikael Salonvaara

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Anindita Sarkar

University of Delhi

Federico Savini

University of Amsterdam

Libby Schweber

University of Reading

Marcel Schweiker

RWTH Aachen University

Natalya Sergeeva

University College London

Marta Maria Sesana

University of Brescia

Clive Shrubsole

Public Health England

Steve Shultz

University of Nebraska

Stefan Siedentop

Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development (ILS)

Kate Simpson

Imperial College London

Kimberley Ruth Slater

University of Toronto

Katarina Slavkovic

Université Catholique de Louvain

Behzad Sodagar

Circular Ecology

Clay Spinuzzi

University of Texas at Austin

Philip Steadman

University College London

Koen Steemers

University of Cambridge

Marie Stender

Aalborg University, Copenhagen

Ruth Stevens

Hasselt University

Fionn Stevenson

Independent Scholar (formerly at University of Sheffield)

Yolande Strengers

Monash University

Minna Sunikka-Blank

University of Cambridge

Anna Taylor

Univeristy of Cape Town

Jacques Teller

University of Liège

Liane Thuvander

Chalmers University of Technology

Martin Torres

University of Aberdeen

Gregory Trencher

Kyoto University

Daniella Troje

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Sasha Tsenkova

University of Calgary

Ekaterina Tzekova

The Atmospheric Fund

Evert van Beek 

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

Marc van den Berg

University of Twente

Dan van der Horst

University of Edinburgh

Miguel Valdez

Open University

Gloria Vargas Palma

Pollard Thomas Edwards Architects

Alice Vialard

University of Sydney

Gabriela Quintana Vigiola

University of Technology Sydney

Henk Visscher

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

Rebekka Volk

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Leentje Volker

University of Twente

Faye Wade

University of Edinburgh

Anne Margrethe Wagner

University of Copenhagen

Peter Walker

University of Bath

Stephen Watson

Loughborough University

Greg Watts

University of Salford

Nicola Willand

RMIT University

Jez Wingfield

University College London

Karsten Zimmerman

Technical University of Dortmund

Latest Peer-Reviewed Journal Content

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Acceptability of sufficiency consumption policies by Finnish households
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Key factors for revitalising heritage buildings through adaptive reuse
É Savoie, J P Sapinski & A-M Laroche

Cooler streets for a cycleable city: assessing policy alignment
C Tang & J Bush

Understanding the embodied carbon credentials of modern methods of construction
R O’Hegarty, A McCarthy, J O’Hagan, T Thanapornpakornsin, S Raffoul & O Kinnane

The changing typology of urban apartment buildings in Aurinkolahti
S Meriläinen & A Tervo

Embodied climate impacts in urban development: a neighbourhood case study
S Sjökvist, N Francart, M Balouktsi & H Birgisdottir

Environmental effects of urban wind energy harvesting: a review
I Tsionas, M laguno-Munitxa & A Stephan

Office environment and employee differences by company health management certification
S Arata, M Sugiuchi, T Ikaga, Y Shiraishi, T Hayashi, S Ando & S Kawakubo

Spatiotemporal evaluation of embodied carbon in urban residential development
I Talvitie, A Amiri & S Junnila

Energy sufficiency in buildings and cities: current research, future directions [editorial]
M Sahakian, T Fawcett & S Darby

Sufficiency, consumption patterns and limits: a survey of French households
J Bouillet & C Grandclément

Health inequalities and indoor environments: research challenges and priorities [editorial]
M Ucci & A Mavrogianni

Operationalising energy sufficiency for low-carbon built environments in urbanising India
A B Lall & G Sethi

Promoting practices of sufficiency: reprogramming resource-intensive material arrangements
T H Christensen, L K Aagaard, A K Juvik, C Samson & K Gram-Hanssen

Culture change in the UK construction industry: an anthropological perspective
I Tellam

Are people willing to share living space? Household preferences in Finland
E Ruokamo, E Kylkilahti, M Lettenmeier & A Toppinen

Towards urban LCA: examining densification alternatives for a residential neighbourhood
M Moisio, E Salmio, T Kaasalainen, S Huuhka, A Räsänen, J Lahdensivu, M Leppänen & P Kuula

A population-level framework to estimate unequal exposure to indoor heat and air pollution
R Cole, C H Simpson, L Ferguson, P Symonds, J Taylor, C Heaviside, P Murage, H L Macintyre, S Hajat, A Mavrogianni & M Davies

Finnish glazed balconies: residents’ experience, wellbeing and use
L Jegard, R Castaño-Rosa, S Kilpeläinen & S Pelsmakers

Modelling Nigerian residential dwellings: bottom-up approach and scenario analysis
C C Nwagwu, S Akin & E G Hertwich

Mapping municipal land policies: applications of flexible zoning for densification
V Götze, J-D Gerber & M Jehling

Energy sufficiency and recognition justice: a study of household consumption
A Guilbert

Linking housing, socio-demographic, environmental and mental health data at scale
P Symonds, C H Simpson, G Petrou, L Ferguson, A Mavrogianni & M Davies

Measuring health inequities due to housing characteristics
K Govertsen & M Kane

Provide or prevent? Exploring sufficiency imaginaries within Danish systems of provision
L K Aagaard & T H Christensen

Imagining sufficiency through collective changes as satisfiers
O Moynat & M Sahakian

US urban land-use reform: a strategy for energy sufficiency
Z M Subin, J Lombardi, R Muralidharan, J Korn, J Malik, T Pullen, M Wei & T Hong

Mapping supply chains for energy retrofit
F Wade & Y Han

Operationalising building-related energy sufficiency measures in SMEs
I Fouiteh, J D Cabrera Santelices, A Susini & M K Patel

Promoting neighbourhood sharing: infrastructures of convenience and community
A Huber, H Heinrichs & M Jaeger-Erben

New insights into thermal comfort sufficiency in dwellings
G van Moeseke, D de Grave, A Anciaux, J Sobczak & G Wallenborn

‘Rightsize’: a housing design game for spatial and energy sufficiency
P Graham, P Nourian, E Warwick & M Gath-Morad

Implementing housing policies for a sufficient lifestyle
M Bagheri, L Roth, L Siebke, C Rohde & H-J Linke

The jobs of climate adaptation
T Denham, L Rickards & O Ajulo

Structural barriers to sufficiency: the contribution of research on elites
M Koch, K Emilsson, J Lee & H Johansson

Disrupting the imaginaries of urban action to deliver just adaptation [editorial]
V Castán-Broto, M Olazabal & G Ziervogel

Nature for resilience reconfigured: global- to-local translation of frames in Africa
K Rochell, H Bulkeley & H Runhaar

How hegemonic discourses of sustainability influence urban climate action
V Castán Broto, L Westman & P Huang

Fabric first: is it still the right approach?
N Eyre, T Fawcett, M Topouzi, G Killip, T Oreszczyn, K Jenkinson & J Rosenow

Social value of the built environment [editorial]
F Samuel & K Watson

Understanding demolition [editorial]
S Huuhka

Data politics in the built environment [editorial]
A Karvonen & T Hargreaves

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Latest Commentaries

Integrating Nature into Cities

Increasing vegetation and green and blue spaces in cities can support both climate change mitigation and adaptation goals, while also enhancing biodiversity and ecological health. Maibritt Pedersen Zari (Auckland University of Technology) explains why nature-based solutions (NbS) must be a vital part of urban planning and design.

Co-ordinate Built Environment Research for the Public Good

Gavin Killip and Kate Simpson (Nottingham Trent University) propose a coordinated research programme of field trials to create a focus for iterative learning about outcomes in the built environment, for the public good. They explain why a transdisciplinary programme is needed and seven key characteristics of the programme are proposed.

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