- About
- Rihab Khalid
- Virginia Gori
- Editorial Board
- Editorial Team
- David Glew
- Mi Pan
- Martin Behnisch
- Practitioner Panel
- Advisory Board
- Richard Lorch
- Dr Faye Wade
- Dr Raymond J. Cole
- Dr Sofie Pelsmakers
- Niklaus Kohler
- Aims & Scope
- Key Principles
- Calls for Papers
- The Complexity of Disaster Reconstruction
- Living Labs: Agents for Change
- Trusting Building Performance Simulation
- Net-Zero Retrofit of the Building Stock
- Energy Sufficiency in Buildings and Cities
- Health Inequalities and Indoor Environments
- Urban Adaptation: Disrupting Imaginaries & Practices
- Social Value of the Built Environment
- Understanding Demolition
- Data Politics in the Built Environment
- Transformational Climate Actions by Cities
- Urban Expansion
- Modern Methods of Construction: Beyond Productivity Improvement
- Energy, Emerging Technologies and Gender in Homes
- Mainstreaming Personal Comfort Systems
- Housing Adaptability
- Alternatives to Air Conditioning: Policies, Design, Technologies, Behaviours
- Urban Systems for Sustainability and Health
- Retrofitting at Scale: Accelerating Capabilities for Domestic Building Stocks
- Urban Densification
- Education and Training: Mainstreaming Zero Carbon
- Climate Justice: The Role of the Built Environment
- Carbon Metrics for Buildings and Cities: Assessing and Controlling GHGs across Scales
- Insights
- News
- B&C’s Readership Metric
- 2024 Reviewers
- World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2024
- Electricity in Buildings and LCA
- 2023 Reviewers
- COP28 Expectations
- B&C is Now Indexed in Scopus
- World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2024
- Housing Adaptability
- Policy Proposals for the Built and Natural Environment
- 2022 Reviewers
- COP27 Expectations
- Remembering Richard Bender
- Alternatives to Air Conditioning
- Remembering Paul Wilkinson
- Biogenic Carbon & Climate Change Mitigation: Silver Bullet or Flash in the Pan?
- Remembering Patricia Hillebrandt
- Buildings & Cities is now indexed in Scopus
- Mainstreaming Personal Comfort Systems
- Level(s): The EU Framework for Sustainable Buildings
- 2021 Reviewers
- Embodied Carbon in Concrete: Problems of Mis-Messaging
- New Editorial Positions at B&C
- Creating a Built Environment within Planetary Boundaries
- How Does Architectural Form Influence Economic Diversity?
- Retrofit at Scale - Videos
- COP26 Expectations
- Making Mass Retrofit a Reality
- Urban Climate Resilience: Tackling Microclimates and Dwelling Overheating
- Systemic inequalities in indoor air pollution exposure
- Impacts of Energy Policy on Urban GHG Emissions
- What Have We Learnt from 20 Years of Occupant Surveys?
- Is Urban Density a Key Factor in the Spread of Covid-19?
- Mainstreaming Zero Carbon - Videos
- Improving Energy Research Practices
- VIRTUAL EVENTS: Can Built Environment Education Deliver?
- Carbon Metrics - videos
- Climate Justice - video
- Climate Justice – online webinar
- Buildings & Cities is listed in DOAJ
- New digital tools created for building stocks and cities
- Submit a paper
- Author & reviewer support during COVID-19
- Transforming US Architectural Education and Professional Practice
- Construction Skills for Mainstreaming nZEB: New Tools & Practices
- Graz Declaration for Climate Protection in the Built Environment: A Call for Carbon Neutrality
- Following Hal
- Ray Cole Awarded the Order of Canada
- Welcome to Buildings and Cities
- Commentaries
- Integrating Nature into Cities
- Co-ordinate Built Environment Research for the Public Good
- The Challenge of Research Prioritisation
- Reframing Sustainable Construction
- Artificial Intelligence and Decarbonisation
- Cities-Scale Research to Address Climate Change
- Climate Change, Overshoot and the Demise of Large Cities
- The Sixth Industrial Revolution Should be Ecological
- Harnessing Design Research to Encourage Alternative Futures
- Systems Thinking is Needed to Achieve Sustainable Cities
- Unmaking Cities Can Catalyse Sustainable Transformations
- Is Gentrification a Crime?
- Overcoming Regime Resistance to the Circularity Transition
- Rethinking Energy Research in the Global South
- Mainstreaming Research Agendas from Global South Countries
- COP29: Flop for Climate, Recognition of the Built Environment
- Addressing Building Failures in Flat Developments
- 5th Anniversary Essays
- The Challenges of Evidence-Based Design
- Rethinking Construction Product Regulations
- Integrating Feedback into Research and Practice
- A World in Emergency and Emergence
- Overhaul the Building Regulations: The Role of Research
- Creating Circular Built Environments
- T-Shaped Interdisciplinarity: A Model for Applied Research?
- The Case for Relational Research
- Bridging the Climate Change Research and Education Gap
- Net-Zero Requires Improved Collaboration between Researchers and Policymakers
- When is Demolition Justified?
- Populist Dissent and Digital Urbanism
- Why Convergence Research is Needed
- A Practitioner’s Introduction to LCA Databases: EPiC and ICE
- Community-based Monitoring of Urban Environmental Data
- Why Research Must Now Prioritise Inhabitants
- Construction Management Research: The Challenge of Consequences
- Designing Beyond Climate Change
- Future Urban Research: Focus on the Commons
- Research in a Rapidly Changing and Increasingly Uncertain World
- Disruptive Technologies and the Regulator’s Dilemma
- Assessing Political Manifestos for Climate Change
- Decolonialising Urban Planning
- Climate Resilient Vernacular Architecture in Turkey
- Stone: An Ecological Construction Material
- Time to Question Demolition!
- Where are Women of Colour in Urban Planning?
- The Debate around Low-Carbon Heating Systems: Part 2
- Social Value: An Architect’s Perspective
- The Data Politics of Tech Corporations
- Phronesis and Epistemic Justice in Data-Driven Built Environments
- COP28: Bridging Technical & Cultural Climate Solutions
- The Debate around Low-Carbon Heating Systems
- Daylight: A Basic Human Right?
- Vernacular Lessons for Mitigating Overheating
- Sustainable Homes in Nigeria
- The Gendered City
- Climate Regulations for Buildings: International Policy Collaborations
- COP28: Set GHG Budgets for the Built Environment
- From COP28 to SDGs: Bridging the Gender Gaps
- Planning Toolkits for Gender-Sensitive Cities
- Towards a Gender-Inclusive Urban Future
- Can Modern Cities Learn from the Collapse of Pre-Modern Cities?
- Building Lessons from the Vernacular Past
- Designing Cities with and for Girls
- Disrupting Narratives to Challenge Inequalities in Climate Adaptation
- Using Procurement to Promote Workforce Diversity
- Governments' Role in Providing Thermal Adequacy
- Developing an Intersectional Approach to Emerging Energy Technologies in Homes
- Practical Approaches to Cooling: A UK Perspective
- Collapse and Catastrophe: The Need to Protect Inhabitants
- Blind Spots in Energy Policy
- Providing Adequate Thermal Comfort in a Hotter World
- The Need for a ‘Critical Turn’ in Construction Management Research
- Dismantling Power and Bringing Reflexivity into the Eco-modern Home
- The Launch of SURGe at COP27: Breakthrough or Déjà Vu?
- What is the Problem that Smart Home Technologies Solve?
- Gender and Ethics of Care in Energy Systems
- Key Lessons for Adaptable Housing
- COP27: A Step Ahead or a Missed Opportunity?
- Misuse of Building Performance Simulation
- Reflections on the San Marino Declaration
- PhD Video Challenge: Two Minute Stories
- Modernize and Die? Challenging Technological Optimism in Construction
- Situating MMC within Technological Adoption
- Publishing Books: Advice for Authors
- COP27: Empower Climate Finance in Global South Cities
- COP27: Multilateral Approaches are Vital for Urban Climate Actions
- COP27: Accelerate Climate Action through Government-Community Partnerships
- Multi-level Climate Governance at COP27: Enable City Actions
- Creating Resilient and Sustainable Communities in Pakistan after Climate Devastation
- A World without Concrete?
- Clothing: The First Layer of Personal Comfort
- Can Personal Carbon Allowances Help Cities Reach Their Climate Targets?
- Lessons from the Swiss Impulse Programme
- New European Bauhaus Festival: Living within Planetary Boundaries
- How R&D is Reducing the Use of Concrete
- Transition to Personal Comfort Systems
- Personal Comfort Systems: Using Internet of Things for Optimization
- Personal Comfort Systems: Lessons from the creation of the ‘Klimastuhl’
- Mainstreaming Personal Comfort Systems (PCS)
- Publishing Books: Some Advice and Warnings
- Christopher Alexander and 'Notes on the Synthesis of Form'
- Christopher Alexander's Pursuit of Living Structure in Cities
- Embodied Carbon: Breaking Construction Dependencies
- Building without Concrete?
- Rethinking IEQ Standards for a Warming Post-COVID World
- Transitioning to Zero-Carbon Buildings
- Structural Engineering and Carbon Footprints of CLT Buildings
- Housing Adaptability: Some Past Lessons
- COP26 & Beyond: What Role for Cities?
- Why Building Regulations Must Incorporate Embodied Carbon
- COP-26: A Commitment to Regulate Embodied Carbon
- COP-26: Engaging Built Environment Professionals to Support Climate Justice
- COP-26: Make Nature-Based Solutions a Top Adaptation Priority
- Cities as Climate Saviours? Political Strategy Ahead of COP-26
- Healing Cities: Toward Urban Climate Justice & Slum Health
- Why Digital Building Passports Are Vital for Change
- Adapt or Retreat? Developing a Long-Term Regional Planning Strategy
- Climate Adaptation in Cities: Planning for Heat Vulnerability
- Adapting our Cities and Urban Planning to Climate Change: Microclimates
- Reconcile Healthy Indoor Environments and Climate Mitigation
- Fast-Growing Bio-Based Materials Can Heal the World
- Climate Justice and English Dwellings
- India’s Role in Sub-Saharan Africa: COP-26 Expectations
- COP26: Sufficiency Should be First
- What China's Carbon Neutrality Means for its Building Stock
- Why High-Resolution Climate Modelling Matters: Cities and Health
- New Approaches to Building Regulations Needed
- Next Steps for COP-26: Capability for Resilient Cities and Regions
- COP-26: Stopping Climate Change and Other Illusions
- Unlock Carbon Dependency: Integrate Low-Carbon Development and Territorial Justice
- Can COP-26 Accelerate Cities’ Climate Actions?
- Trust and Empower the World’s Schoolchildren
- Responsibilities to the 'Climate Generation'
- Transition to a Cross-sectoral Approach for Decarbonising the Built Environment
- At COP-26, Climate Change Should Not Go Solo
- Avoid Unintended Consequences: Provide Justice and Agency
- The Elephant in the Climate Change Room
- Sustainable and Climate Resilient Cities? Stop Experimenting, Start Scaling
- Managing the Long Term and Complexity: Policies for Mitigation
- A New Radical Bauhaus?
- The value of interdisciplinarity: a critical reflection on urban sustainability research
- Heat Pump Market Transformation: Strategies & Lessons
- A History of Failed Dreams: Modern Methods of Construction and Katerra
- The Global Cooling Prize
- A Dual Mandate for Climate Justice and Climate Protection
- Zero Carbon Buildings: A Brazilian Perspective
- Critical Reflections on The Construction Playbook
- The Sustainability Implications of Single Occupancy Households
- Leadership is Critical in Mainstreaming Sustainability in Professional Education
- Carbon Metrics Can Help the Real Estate Sector
- Urban Demographic Trends: Impacts on Cities, Planning and Real Estate
- Can We Educate Architects to Design the Future?
- Mainstreaming Carbon Zero in Architectural Education: Within a Decade?
- Academia’s Critical Role in Climate Change
- A Wicked Higher Education Problem: Climate Emergency Requires Brave Leadership
- Climate Change and Architectural Education
- Accelerating Change in Architectural Education
- Energy Data, Public Participation and the Green Transition
- Retrofitting Buildings to Support the Recovery
- Is High Density Necessary for Future Urban Life?
- Reflections on Buildings, Cities and COVID-19
- Housing: Lessons for a Post-COVID-19 World
- Hackitt and the Golden Thread: Challenges to Implementation
- Will Working from Home Become the New Normal?
- After COVID-19: Opportunity for Changing Building Regulations?
- Pandemics: Why Buildings are Hazards
- Design Professionals Challenging Disasters
- From SARS to COVID-19 and Beyond: Public Health Lessons for Buildings
- Scientific Conferences and the Pandemic
- Beyond Theory: Climate Justice in Practice
- Beyond the Declaration: Delivery of GHG Reductions
- Research Contributes to Achieving Global Environmental Goals
- Can Urban Scale Digital Twins Address Climate Adaptation?
- Why Tools for Buildings and Cities Performance Simulation Need to Evolve
- Overheating in New Homes: A New Design Tool
- Modern Methods of Construction: Unintended Consequences
- Architecture and the Climate Emergency
- Climate Emergency and Built Environment Education
- Research Pathways
- Understanding Urban Climate Interactions
- Creating a Human-centric City with Digital Tools
- A Transdisciplinary Journey toward Thermal Comfort
- Ventilation and Infection in Buildings
- Creating a Building Science Community
- Co-producing Humanitarian Architecture for Disaster Risk Reduction
- Making an Impact on Household Energy Consumption
- Harnessing the Power of Spatial Data
- Thermal Comfort and Fabric
- A Longitudinal Approach to Research
- Creating Adaptive Thermal Comfort
- Expanding Boundaries & Negotiating Transitions
- Greening China’s Built Environment
- 50 Years a Cartoonist
- Building as Pedagogy: Oberlin's Adam Joseph Lewis Center
- The Application of Research: Reconciling Simplicity and Rigour
- Living within Planetary Limits: Linking Research, Practice and Teaching
- Journey to a Socio-ecological Agenda
- Biological Analogy and an Architectural Science
- Why Social Theory is Important for Energy Research and the Built Environment
- Book Reviews
- Architecture and Spatial Culture
- Healthy Urbanism. Designing and Planning Equitable, Sustainable and Inclusive Places
- How to Engage Policy Makers with Your Research: The Art of Informing and Impacting Policy
- The Architect and the Academy: Essays on Research and the Environment
- Formulations: Architecture, Mathematics, Culture
- Experiential Design Schemas
- Climate Urbanism: Towards a Critical Research Agenda
- Building Better – Less – Different: Circular Construction and Circular Economy
- Energy Use in Cities: A Roadmap for Urban Transitions
- Form and Flow: The Spatial Politics of Urban Resilience and Climate Justice
- Energy Modelling in Architecture: A Practice Guide
- The Great Reconfiguration: A Socio-Technical Analysis of Low-Carbon Transitions in UK Electricity, Heat, and Mobility Systems
- Constructing a Consumer-Focused Industry: Cracks, Cladding and Crisis in the Residential Construction Sector
- CARBON: A Field Manual for Building Researchers
- Conceptualising Demand: A Distinctive Approach to Consumption and Practice
- Designing for the Climate Emergency: A Guide for Architecture Students
- Concrete Cities: Why We Need to Build Differently
- Reimaging Sustainable Cities: Strategies for Designing Green, Healthier, More Equitable Communities
- Defensible Space on the Move: Mobilisation in English Housing Policy and Practice
- The Impact of Overbuilding on People and the Planet
- The Unsettling Outdoors: Environmental Estrangement in Everyday Life
- Routledge Handbook of Resilient Thermal Comfort
- Climate Adaptation and Resilience Across Scales From Buildings to Cities
- Visual Delight in Architecture: Daylight, Vision and View
- Flourish: Design Paradigms for Our Planetary Emergency
- Five Rules for Tomorrow’s Cities: Design in an Age of Urban Migration, Demographic Change, and a Disappearing Middle Class
- Work on the Move 3: Building Better Workplaces After the Pandemic
- Thermal Design of Buildings: Understanding Heating, Cooling and Decarbonization
- London’s Global Office Economy: From Clerical Factory to Digital Hub
- Architecture & the Public Good
- The Venice Variations: Tracing the Architectural Imagination
- Architecture: From Prehistory to Climate Emergency
- A Future for Planning: Taking Responsibility for Twenty-First Century Challenges
- Healthy Homes: Designing with Light and Air for Sustainability and Wellbeing
- Critique of Architecture: Essays on Theory, Autonomy, and Political Economy
- Energy - People - Buildings: Making Sustainable Architecture Work
- Urban Schools: Designing for High Density
- Modern Architecture and Climate Design before Air Conditioning
- High Office: Fire Safety in Tall, Supertall and Megatall Office Buildings
- Dwelling on the Future: Architecture of the Seaside, Middle England and the Metropolis
- Urban Planning Against Poverty: How to Think and Do Better Cities in the Global South
- Societies Under Construction: Geographies, Sociologies and Histories of Building
- Architecture and Resilience: Interdisciplinary Dialogues
- Planning Cities with Nature
- Building Performance Analysis
- Corridors: Passages of Modernity
- Urban Lighting for People: Evidence-Based Lighting Design for the Built Environment
- The Architecture of Natural Cooling
- Healthy Buildings: How Indoor Spaces Drive Performance and Productivity
- The Environmental Imagination: Technics and Poetics of the Architectural Environment
- Urban Energy Landscapes
- Design Guide to Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation for Indian Residences
- Redeploying Urban Infrastructure: The Politics of Urban Socio-Technical Futures
- The Routledge Companion to Architecture and Social Engagement
- Disaster by Choice: How our Actions turn Natural Hazards into Catastrophes
- Embodied Carbon in Buildings: Measurement, Management and Mitigation
- Vertical Urbanism: Designing Compact Cities in China
- Energy Fables: Challenging Ideas in the Energy Sector
- Remaking Housing Policy: An International Study
- Effective Daylighting with High-Performance Facades: Emerging Design Practices
- Sustainable Construction, Second Edition
- Housing Fit for Purpose: Performance Feedback and Learning
- Future Office: Next-generation Workplace Design
- Journal Content
- Journal Metrics
- 最新同行评审期刊内容 - 第 3 卷(2022 年)
- 最新同行评审期刊内容 - 第 2 卷(2021 年)
- Briefing Notes
- 最新同行评审期刊内容 - 第 1 卷(2020 年)
- Articles by theme
- Special Issues
- Energy Sufficiency in Buildings and Cities
- Health Inequalities and Indoor Environments
- Urban Adaptation: Disrupting Imaginaries & Practices
- Social Value of the Built Environment
- Understanding Demolition
- Data Politics in the Built Environment
- Urban Expansion
- Transformational Climate Actions by Cities
- Energy, Emerging Technologies and Gender in Homes
- Modern Methods of Construction: Beyond Productivity Improvement
- Housing Adaptability
- Alternatives to Air Conditioning
- Urban Systems for Sustainability and Health
- Retrofitting at Scale: Accelerating Capabilities for Domestic Building Stocks
- Urban Densification
- Education and Training: Mainstreaming Zero Carbon
- Carbon Metrics: Assessing & Controlling GHG Emissions Across Scales
- Climate Justice: The Role of the Built Environment
- Endorsements
- Ani Raiden, Nottingham Trent University, UK
- Gail Brager, University of California at Berkeley, US
- David Lorenz, Lorenz Property Advisors, Germany
- Kathryn Janda, University College London, UK
- Minna Sunikka-Blank, University of Cambridge, UK
- Lauri Koskla, University of Huddersfield, UK
- Alison Kwok, University of Oregon, US
- Robert Lowe, University College London, UK
- Susse Georg, Aalborg University Copenhagen, DK
- David J. Edwards, Birmingham City University, UK; KNUST, Ghana; and University of Johannesburg, ZA
- Heather Chappells, University of British Columbia, CA
- Sergio Altomonte, UC Louvain, Belgium
- Tom Spector, Oklahoma State University, US
- Organisations endorsing Buildings and Cities
- iiSBE
- The Edge
- Video Challenge
- AWARDS! 2024 Video Challenge
- 2024 PhD Video Challenge: Why It Matters
- Online Workshop: “How to make a good video”
- AWARDS! 2023 Video Challenge
- 2023 Postdoc Video Challenge: "Addressing Grand Challenges"
- 2022 Video Challenge Gallery
- AWARDS! 2022 PhD Video Challenge
- Article Processing Charge
- CONFERENCE Call for Abstracts: World Sustainable Built Environment Conference: Beyond 2020
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